Last published chapter, "How Social Entrepreneurship Promotes Sustainable Development: With Some Examples from Developed and Developing Countries", DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-96032-6_14,
What gets measured, gets improved
Very important in entrepreneurship in general, although less easy to perform in social entrepreneurship
Author, Researcher, Business Developer, Entrepreneur, Consultant, Speaker, DREAMER
Paulo Bento is an entrepreneurship expert and enthusiast, focusing on poverty reduction through social entrepreneurship. His studies have been covering the activity of social enterprises in the five continents. He has been working also with some of the most important conferences and publications on social entrepreneurship and sustainability throughout the planet, from more than 20 countries of all continents, including 3 provinces in Canada and 6 states in the United States of America [USA]. Education and ActivityPaulo is a Ph.D. in Social Sustainability and Development, with Thesis Innovation and Social Capital in Social Entrepreneurship for Poverty Reduction from the Open University of Portugal, in Lisbon, Portugal, magna cum laude MBA in Entrepreneurship from Jones International University [JIU], Englewood, Colorado, and Graduate in Organization and Business Management, with a dual major in Marketing and International Business, from the ISCTE Business School | University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal. He has several diplomas in languages, has Portuguese as a native language, is fluent in English and Spanish, has a good command of the French language, and basic knowledge of German. Paulo Bento is also a researcher, with entrepreneurship (especially social entrepreneurship), innovation, migration, quality of life and happiness, poverty reduction, and social capital as main research interests. Take the opportunity and read a little story on his passion for poverty reduction since infancy. |
As a practitioner, Paulo Bento has been acting as an entrepreneur, business developer, consultant, and speaker.
He has already helped more than 3,000 participants, from more than 200 large companies or small and medium-sized businesses, from the industrial, commercial and service sectors, achieving higher performances, and has worked on over 100 studies and field reports. Take a look at some opinions Paulo has received several awards and has been nominated by some world-renowned publications. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, listening to music, spending time at the beach, having fun, charcoal drawing, painting and surfing the Internet, as well as fine art, photography, and architecture. As a painter, Paulo has been doing his work as a member of the fauvism movement. For some time now, Space Exploration has attracted, also, his interest. Honors and Awards
Honor Award for Best Student, ELS, Holy Names University, Oakland, California; Magna Cum Laude MBA, JIU, Englewood, Colorado. Paulo has been selected by several publications such as the Who's Who in the World (US Edition, and European Edition).
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Paulo counts with presence and several papers selected, speaking sessions, and work done as a peer reviewer for leading conferences on entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship of the five continents, that have been taking place in locations such as Argentina, Canada (in Halifax, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria, Windsor), China (in Taiwan), Cyprus, Dubai, Egypt, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Mexico, Portugal, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and USA (cities of San Diego, Honolulu, Maryland, Boston, New Jersey, New York). Including the New York University [NYU] Stern School of Business Conference on Social Entrepreneurship, and several editions of the International Council for Small Business [ICSB] World Conference and the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship [CCSBE] Conference.
His academic service has been including refereeing for some distinguished academic publications on sustainability and development. He is also Research and Innovation Expert for the European Commission, in Brussels. |
Innovation in Social Entrepreneurship Related to Poverty ReductionPresentation at the 8th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, UBC - University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Current Population of the World